Here are just some of the cool advances in technology for our kitchens. Some of these gadgets aren't on the market yet but there's no doubt they will be soon. Who knows, maybe when you build that dream home or remodel your kitchen, you'll opt for one or more of these for your home.
Interactive Cooktop
Probably the coolest thing out there right now (well...5 to 10 years in the future probably) is the Interactive Cooktop by Whirlpool. Think Jetsons! This technology uses your kitchen's countertops as induction cooktops while acting as a tablet...a countertop-sized tablet.
To start cooking, just place a pot on the cooktop and draw a circle around it—options will pop up for adjusting temperature and cook time. To start cooking a second dish, place another pot anywhere else on the surface, draw another circle, and you're good to go.
Notifications will appear to alert you of incoming phone calls or texts. Gesture controls allow you to navigate the interface intuitively, dismissing or answering calls, and opening windows and menus at your whim. With other appliances connected, the Interactive Cooktop will get pop-ups when your dishwasher's done, or when your laundry is dry. You'll even be able to check to see what ingredients are in your fridge directly from the Cooktop.
Double Duty Appliances
Samsung has come out with a couple of appliances that let you use it in more than one way. They have a refrigerator that has one compartment that you can designate as either refrigerator or freezer space, at the touch of a button. The water dispenser also gives you the option of flat or sparkling water.
Samsung also has an oven that has a removable shelf that can convert your oven from one large space to two smaller spaces that can cook at different temperatures. How is that for convenient!
Coffee Lover's Dream
Wouldn't it be cool if you could touch a button on your tablet and a spigot rising up from your countertop would give you a macchiato with your custom ratio of milk to espresso in 30 seconds? Your dreams have come true, my friend. That is, if you have a spare $20,000 sitting in your pocket. The Danish designed Scanomat Top Brewer does exactly this. Oh, and it self cleans after each pour. Start saving your pennies!
Source: Michelle Schwake for Stafford Family Realtors
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