I recently read a blog article about a report Ikea did on how American's live life in their homes. The article mentioned that we crave comfort in our homes and are getting greener in our choices (you can read the entire blog article HERE), but what stood out to me was the universal need for more storage. Most people want more kitchen storage and 54% of Americans stash stuff under their beds due to lack of storage.
We've blogged about creative storage ideas for wine and shoes along with many other solutions. We've talked about maximizing the space you already have by using the space behind the door and organizing the spaces you already have.
Even though we've covered many topics on our blog before, it seems there is a never ending supply of great storage ideas out there. The kitchen, the mudroom, the toy room, the master bedroom, the garage, the media room...seems that we all want to know how to keep our stuff in its place while still looking good.
With that in mind, here are even more clever, beautiful, and smart storage solutions that we love. We hope you'll use these in your home. Remember, good storage space is always a big selling point.
Michelle Schwake for Stafford Family Realtors
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