Make Sure Your Price Is Reasonable
We always recommend that our clients set a realistic price on their homes, but this is especially important during the winter months. While it may be true that there is less competion in the winter which would normally drive prices up, there is also less demand. Usually only those that have to move are moving in the winter months. So don't pad the price hoping for some haggling to happen. It probably won't.
Winterize Well!
Nothing will scare off winter buyers faster than a cold and drafty house. Be sure to fix any drafts, seal around doors and windows, have your furnace tuned, and add extra insulation where it's needed. If you really need to sell in the winter, you may want to consider new doors and windows if these are in poor condition.
Keep It Warm And Cozy
One of the perks of living in a cold climate is being able to cocoon in your house. Cozy up your home by having the fireplace lit (if you have one), keeping the temperature nice and warm throughout the house especially in any basement rooms, have the soft glow of lights in every room and good smells permeating the house. Winter can be dry too, so be sure your humidifier is working well or even have a pot of water simmering on the stove with some cinnamon floating in it.
Show Photos Of The House During The Summer
Be sure those buyers know what the yard looks like in the summer at the height of it's glory. Both on-line and in the house for walk throughs, have pictures of the flowers and gardens in bloom, luscious green grass and fully leafed-out trees framing your house.
Good Curb Appeal Is A Must

Many people drive by a home after seeing it on-line. This can be a make or break moment for your home. Be sure that your home is pleasing to look at throughout the entire winter. This means keeping your driveway and sidewalks shoveled, keeping sleds and outdoor toys in the garage or shed, picking up any leftovers from fido, having exterior as well as some interior lights on at all times when it is dark outside, and decorating your entry with seasonal/holiday displays like greenery in pots. The idea is to turn those drive-bys into walk-throughs.
Play Up The Light
The last thing you want potential buyers to think is that your home looks like a dungeon. Winter light is less strong during the day and disappears entirely at a very early hour in the day (or even during the morning hours if you have showings then). During the day be sure to open all drapes and pull up any blinds or shades for maximum sun exposure. If it's a cloudy day, be sure to have overhead lights on in all rooms. Assess your home for any dark areas and try to find a way to increase the light in those areas by adding a lamp or even painting it a lighter color. For nighttime lighting, consider changing out lower wattage bulbs for higher wattage lights. And remember to have all lights on for showings. This includes closet lights, lamps, ambiance lighting and task lighting. You want your home to be bright and inviting every time someone walks through.
Handle The Holidays With Style

Yes, you should definitely decorate for the holidays. But as with staging during any other part of the year, be sure to keep it simple and clean looking with few personal effects on display. Rather than lighting up your house like Clark Griswalk, maybe opt for a simple line along the edges of your roof. Keep the inflatables for another year. Inside, don't cover the walls with every holiday decoration you own, but take out just the essentials. Winter greens in the house are always pleasant to see and smell. Make it look nice without being kitschy or overblown.
If you have any questions about preparing your house to sell during the winter months, please give us a call. We'd be happy to help you with any needs you may have.
Source: Michelle Schwake for Stafford Family Realtors
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