Monday, December 23, 2013

Gift Wrapping Stations

If you're like me, you are in the throes of gift wrapping right about now.  I don't know about you, but my organizational skills around the storage of gift wrapping necessities are in need of a revamp.  My current "system" involves keeping all my wrapping paper, tissue paper, bows, ribbons, gift tags and gift bags in one bin which somehow always seems to have many other bins piled on top of it.  So that when it comes time to get something out of there I have to do some major lifting and rearranging of everything.  Then once I am perusing the gift wrapping bin, it's so jam packed with stuff that most everything is wrinkled, ripped, and otherwise unsightly.  Not to mention, I usually find that I do not, in fact, have any birthday themed wrapping paper for boys (or what have you) anywhere in sight.  Then I usually have to hunt down the tape and the scissors and a pen.  Needless to say, what should have taken about 5 minutes is now a much longer endeavor.  And Lord help me if I have to wrap more than one gift!

This got me thinking that I should most definitely put a gift wrapping station on my list of home improvements for next year.  It would be so nice to have a dedicated spot for wrapping that has everything I need neatly stored and all tools at my fingertips. 

I have been doing a little research (i.e. snooping at online pictures) and have found some great inspirational photos that I thought I would share with you so that you can add one to your home as well...cuz I know you need one too!  As you can see, some are elaborate while others are so simple almost anyone can copy the idea in their home.

Source:  Michelle Schwake for Stafford Family Realtors

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